Meet Joye Oyekan

CB4 Stories
4 min readSep 15, 2021


Get to know Joye, an all-star SDR turned Talent Acquisition Manager, and Master Eggplant Chef.

What’s your role at CB4 and what does your day-to-day look like (including your interactions with other teams at CB4)?

This is a difficult question to answer — because I’ve just moved roles! As an SDR my day-to-day was a lot of research, looking to understand what problems retailers were facing, what strategies they were pursuing, and what initiatives they were undertaking.

When I knew this, I knew how/why they might need CB4, and then my job was to reach out, and try and broker conversations and start relationships. It was tough, but when you see an intro blossom into a multi-million dollar opportunity it's incredible!

I’ve recently been promoted to a Talent Acquisition Manager, and whilst I’m just ramping at the moment, my day-to-day is going to consist of trying to poach the best talent from CB4’s competitors and help our team build and grow.

Can you talk a little bit about the path that led you to CB4?

I studied law at university, and always wanted to do something that requires “people skills.” I’ve always been a pretty good communicator. I hate wearing suits to work though. (I sold them for a while at university — ask me about viscous linings and thread count)

I kind of accidentally stumbled on the world of software sales, originally I saw it as a way to save up for law school. But I made more money in my first year out of university than I expected to make as a fully qualified criminal solicitor.

Since then I’ve been to a few startups that weren’t really startups. I really wanted the experience of being in a small team that had the potential to grow big. CB4 gave me that option.

What’s one new fact/skill/thing you’ve learned while working at CB4? (could be about retail or your specific role)

That bananas have the highest sales volume in the US.

Also, pushing yourself to be outside of your comfort zone is so cliche, but actually incredibly rewarding when you actually do it.

Of CB4’s company values, which speaks to you most and why?

Transparency. I think transparency builds trust. I’ve been in sales cultures where there’s a blame game. When people don’t trust each other it’s difficult not to blame people for perceived mistakes, etc. Being able to talk openly and honestly is such a blessing, and massively reduces stress.

What are you into doing outside of work?

Cooking with aubergines (Eggplants) My fiance is trying to eat less meat. I do most of the cooking in the house so I, by proxy, am eating less meat too. It’s actually been really fun trying new recipes and aubergines are the most versatile ingredient I’ve found so far. I’ve made chili, burgers, and curry with them.

Which retailer are you obsessed with right now and why?

TKMaxx. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve got cooking obsessed recently and they do some of the best discount kitchenware out there.

One good jam to work to and one good jam to work out to. Go!

Work by Peter $un. Gets you going. (

We’re all at home a lot more these days. How do you make sure you maintain a good work/life balance? Are there ways CB4 supports that?

I think for me it’s focusing on breaking up work from home by doing things outside the house. Otherwise, it can all become a bit samey and I think that can affect productivity. The place you relax and the place you work should feel different. I think doing stuff like going for a walk in the morning or after work can really help segment things.



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