Meet Ben Saldinger

CB4 Stories
4 min readJul 6, 2021


Get to know Ben, SDR turned CSM extraordinaire and CB4’s resident piano man.

What’s your role at CB4 and what does your day-to-day look like?

I’m a proud member of our Customer Success team. We manage the full life-cycle of client engagement; anything from onboarding and implementation to innovation and renewal falls under my remit. I’m constantly interacting with my clients to understand their business and tailor the best possible solution for their needs. Most often you can find me speaking with customers and colleagues working on everything from project plans to training decks, to executive reviews and more — the sky’s the limit!

Can you talk a little bit about the path that led you to CB4?

Before I got into technology, I was actually a full-time musician! As priorities changed, I pivoted into software where I cut my teeth in business/sales development. After a year or so of “SDR” work, Hannah Liberman (Head of Talent at CB4) reached out to me with what sounded like an amazing opportunity. After learning more, I took the plunge and I haven’t looked back since! Grateful to have committed to such an exciting company whose values are in line with my own.

What’s one new fact/skill/thing you’ve learned while working at CB4?

Gosh, there’s a lot. I’ve learned so much about floor execution in brick & mortar retail. Between labor, supply chain, and distribution, there are seemingly infinite things to hone in on. I’ll pick one — inventory. I’m fascinated to learn about the intersection of inventory systems and replenishment; CB4 drives a ton of value for clients identifying products that have unmet demand because they’re not being replenished due to incorrect inventory counts. It’s one constant that exists for all businesses that have inventory and automatic replenishment, irrespective of vertical. It’s really cool seeing how our algorithm helps store teams prioritize which products to focus on and how often the root cause is truly an inventory discrepancy/phantom inventory. When store teams fix a discrepancy, they expedite the process for replenishment so that customers can get their hands on the products they need, and of course, the sales follow accordingly!

Of CB4’s company values, which speaks to you most and why?

We have amazing company values. The one that has resonated with me most since I started here close to three years ago is “Take Ownership”. This is one of the fundamental attractions of working for a start-up for me. We’re given the autonomy and trust to carve out our own initiatives based on where we see value for clients and the company overall. For someone with ambition, this is an easy way to prove oneself and seek opportunities for professional growth. Having seen my work and ideas drive value for our clients makes me incredibly proud and inspires me to do more!

What are you into doing outside of work?

  • Avid Keyboardist (you can always find me messing around on one of my (too) many instruments)
  • Amatuer jogger! (10 miles week)
  • Movie Watcher — recently getting into older films — check out “All About Eve”

Which retailer has earned your loyalty?

Bonobos. Every time I go/shop I have a positive experience. Their model is strange in that most sales are driven through eComm. But the brick&mortar locations drive such a great brand experience (trying on different sizes and styles for instance, and their associates are always super knowledgeable). Now I know my sizes and can depend on their quality and fits!

One good jam to work to and one good jam to work out to. Go!

I have a jazz background so I’m biased. But if you throw on Oscar Peterson (piano) I can work for hours.

Working out is a different story. Recently I’ve been binge-listening to a Mark Lettieri album that he just released called “Deep: The Baritone Sessions, Vol 2” It’s instrumental, so it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I can’t stop listening!

What are the rules you prescribe to or follow in life that help you form more meaningful relationships with potential customers?

Be a decent human being! Although these are business relationships, I find my job so much more fulfilling when I learn about the folks I work with. And I think it’s important to share a bit about myself too. At the end of the day, we’re here for work, but it makes collaboration that much easier when you have some camaraderie with your project team.



CB4 Stories

Meet the hard-working, imaginative people who make CB4 happen. Read about their victories, their challenges, and their excellent taste in music.