CB4 Snapshot: Gefen Maayan on BI Development at CB4

CB4 Stories
2 min readMar 16, 2021


Meet Gefen Maayan, a Business Intelligence Developer in CB4’s Herzliya Office. We caught up with Gefen to talk about the path that led her to CB4 and some of her favorite memories she’s made since.

Describe your CB4 journey:

After my 2nd year of studying industrial engineering, I joined the CB4 customer success team, along with 3 other analysts.

I was responsible for a few big Israeli customers and my job was very diverse — on one hand, the technical side which includes handling the data, doing analysis, and providing insights. On the other hand, I was meeting with customers, doing in-store visits and presenting to Senior Managers. As I was finishing my degree I moved to R&D in a BI development role.

Going full time in development was a big step. Now, I’m creating and maintaining scalable data pipelines that make analysis easier and saves time on doing things manually. I also help plan, design, build and maintain our fast growing data lake.

What is one of your favorite memories of working at CB4?

A store visit day when I first started at CB4! I visited a few stores and I was amazed to see people using CB4 to help manage their store! It was nice to see how the work that I do connects with actual human users.

Because of Covid, our ‘happy hours’ became virtual. One of my hobbies is baking, so I held a Chocolate Chip Cookies session with all the employees and some of their children. It was really a fun session, and in the end, we shared lots of cookie pictures made by everyone so although we were physically separated we felt together!

What makes your work meaningful to you?

I really like the people and the atmosphere of the company.
Everyone is really nice and willing to help each other. The feeling you get at CB4 is that there is a safe place to express your opinion, to learn, to make mistakes, and always to try to improve and do better.

Furthermore, the fact that there are so many big and important clients that use our product shows we are truly helping them find crucial operational problems which makes me really proud!

Looking for your next role in R&D? We are looking for a Senior Java Engineer, DevOps Engineer, and Front End Engineer to join Gefen and our team in Israel. Apply Today!




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